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发布日期:2015-08-27浏览次数:字号:[ ]



 刘国庆 博士 教授

George Liu,
Ph.D. Physiological Chemistry, Umea University,Sweden, 1992.
Post-doc. University of California, Los Angeles, USA and University of British Columbia, Canada



本研究室以严重高脂血症及其相关的疾病为研究对象。高脂血症是中国改革开放近30年来发病率增高最快的疾病之一,根据卫生部最新公布的资料(2007. 7),目前在中国的患病人数已经达到1.6亿。其引起的心脑血管疾病现与西方国家一样,超过了恶性肿瘤成为危害国人生命健康的头号杀手。
一、 严重高甘油三酯血症及其所致多器官损害的机制研究
1.   严重高甘油三酯血症的自发性动脉粥样硬化及其机理:
2.   严重高甘油三酯血症导致的急性胰腺炎及其机理:
二、 其它相关研究方向:
Research Description:
The research of our laboratory focuses on severe dyslipidemia and related diseases. Dyslipidemia has been one of the most prevailing diseases in recent years in China. According to the newly released online data by the Ministry of Health, nearly 160 million Chineses suffer from dyslipidemia currently. As it is in the western countries, atherosclerotic vascular diseases associated with dyslipidemia, exceeding malignant tumors, have become the No.1 killer in China.
We developed research programs on severe hypertriglyceridemia, one of the most common forms in dyslipidemia, by basic and clinical approaches., including:mechanisms of severe hypertriglyceridemia induced multiple organ injury; development of gene-modified large animal models with hyperlipidemia, application of microfluidic chip in lipoprotein metabolism.
1. 创新群体项目子课题: 代谢综合症及其血管病变的研究:严重高甘油三酯血症的发生机理及防治;项目负责人 王宪,子课题负责人 刘国庆
2. 重点项目:高甘油三酯血症引起多器官功能改变的氧化应激损伤机理研究. 负责人 刘国庆
2. 面上项目:应用SRB1和LPL基因缺陷小鼠研究ApoAV 降低甘油三酯的机理,负责人 刘国庆;
3. 面上项目:小鼠脂蛋白脂酶基因缺陷在I型糖尿病肾病中的作用及其机制研究,负责人 黄薇;
4. 面上项目:应用脂肪特异性转基因/基因敲除小鼠模型对Seipin功能的研究;负责人 王宇辉;
5. 面上项目:聚乙二醇修饰的树状分子聚合物纳米基因载体在单基因缺陷所致的高脂血症的基因治疗研 究中的应用,负责人 祁荣
6.面上项目:双基因敲除小鼠研究脂蛋白脂酶在动脉粥样硬化中的作用(已结题);负责人 刘国庆
7.面上项目:脂蛋白脂酶的分子桥效应研究(已结题);负责人 刘国庆
8.面上项目:血管紧张素转移酶在高血压中导致肾脏损伤中的机理(已结题);负责人 黄薇
9.面上项目:树枝样高分子纳米基因载体在心血管系统基因转移的研究(已结题);负责人 祁荣
1.脂蛋白脂酶的多功能作用-对动脉硬化和脑功能的影响研究 (由加拿大CIHR和国家自然科学基金委资助)
学术兼职:国际动脉粥样硬化学会中国分会副理事长;国际心血管科学协会理事;中国病理生理学会动脉粥样硬化专业委员会委员;美国基因治疗学会会员;美国心脏病学会会员。Nutrition and Metabolism、《中国动脉硬化杂志》杂志编委
George Liu,
Ph.D. Physiological Chemistry, Umea University,Sweden, 1992.
Post-doc. University of California, Los Angeles, USA and University of British Columbia, Canada
Huang Wei, associate professor, Master supervisor.
Ph.D, Physiology and Pharmacology, Université Paris 1 Panthéon – Sorbonne, France, 2002
Post-doc. Université Paris 1 Panthéon – Sorbonne, France
Wang Yuhui, instructor, PhD. Endocrinology, University of Tsukuba, Japan, 2004.
Qi Rong, instructor, PhD. Pharmaceutics, China Pharmacological University, Nanjing, 2004.
Selected Publications (2000-Present)
1.       Ding Y, Wang Y, Huang W, Liu G, Ross C, Hayden MR, Yang J: Glucose intolerance and decreased early insulin response in mice with severe hypertriglyceridemia. Exp. Biol. Med. Accepted. Aug. 2009,
2.       Xian X, Ma Y, Yang DD, Huang W, Wang Y, Mueller O, Chang E; Konigshofer Y; Van-Cleve M, Yang J and Liu G: Reduced HDL2b in non-obese type 2 diabetic patients analyzed by a microfluidic chip method in a case-control study. Biomarkers. Accepted, July. 2009
3.       Ma Y, Zhao L, Xian X, Yang D; Huang W, Wang Y, Mueller O,  Chang E, Konigshofer Y, Van-Cleve M, Liu G, Yang J. A case-control study on the relationship between the HDL2b and nonacoholic fatty liver disease in Chinese type 2 diabetic patients. Clin Chem Lab Med. 2009,47(9):1067-72
4.       Xian X, Ding Y, Zhang L, Wang Y, McNutt M, Ross C, Hayden M, Deng X, Liu G: LPL deficiency promotes neointimal formation after oxidative arterial wall injury in ApoE-deficient mice. BBRC. 2009,385(4):563-9
5.       Qi R, Gao Y, Liu T, He R, Tang Y, He Y, Sun S, Li B, Li Y and Liu G: PEG-conjugated PAMAM dendrimers mediate efficient intramuscular gene expression. Am. Ass. Pharmcol. Sci. 2009,11(3):395-405
6.       Zheng J, Tang L, Xian X, Zhou S, Shi H, Jiang Y, Gu Y, Liu G and Tu P: Inhibitory Effect of Triterpenoid Saponins from the Leaves of Ilex kudingcha on Aggregated LDL-Induced Lipid Deposition in Macrophages. Planta Med. Epub ahead of print, May, 2009
7.       Xian X, Liu T, Yu J, Wang Y, Miao Y, Zhang J, Yu Y, Ross C, Karasinska J, Hayden M, Liu G, Chui D: Presynaptic Defects underlying Impaired Learning and Memory Function in Lipoprotein Lipase Deficient Mice. J. Neuroscience. 2009,29(14):4681-5
8.       Yang F, Wang Y, Sternfeld L, Rodriguez JA, Ross C, Hayden MR, Carriere F, Liu G and Schulz I: The role of free fatty acids, pancreatic lipase and Ca2+ signalling in injury of isolated acinar cells and pancreatitis model in lipoprotein lipase-deficient mice. Acta Physiol.2009, 195:13-28
9.       Wang Y, Sternfeld L, Yang F, Rodriguez JA, Ross C, Hayden MR, Carriere F, Liu G, Hofer W and Schulz I: Enhanced susceptibility to pancreatitis in severe hypertriglyceridemic lipoprotein lipase deficient mice and agonist-like function of pancreatic lipase in pancreatic cells.Gut. 2009; 58(3):422-30.
10.   Ebara T, Murase T, Okubo M, Hayden M and Liu G: Is LPL deficiency atherogenic? Circulation Research. 2008;102(11):e118-e119
11.   Zhang X, Qi R,Xian X, Yang F, Blackstein M, Deng X, Fan J, Ross C, Hayden MR, Liu G: Spontaneous atherosclerosis in aged LPL deficient mice with severe hypertriglyceridemia on a normal chow dietCirculation Research.102(2):250-6. 2008
12.   Wang J, Xian X, Huang W, Chen L; Wu L; Zhu Y, Fan J, Ross C, Hayden MR, Liu G: Rapid Lipid Deposition and VCAM-1 Up-Regulation in Endothelial-Intact Carotid Artery via Arterial Expression of Lipoprotein Lipase in Both Lipoprotein Lipase and Apolipoprotein E Deficient Mice. Arterio. Thromb. Vasc. Biol. 2007 27(1):197-203
14.   Zhao T, Guo J, Ross C, Hayden MR, Wen Z, Liu G Hemorheologic abnormalities in lipoprotein lipase deficient mice with severe hypertriglyceridemia. BBRC, 341:1066-71, 2006
15.   Yu X,, Zhao T, Wang L, Liu Z, Zhang C, Chen R, Li L, Liu G, Hu W: A novel substitution at the translation initiator codon (ATG . ATC) of the lipoprotein lipase gene is mainly responsible for lipoprotein lipase deficiency in a patient with severe hypertriglyceridemia and recurrent pancreatitis. BBRC 341:82–87, 2006
18.   Koike T, Liang J, Wang X, Ichikawa T, Shiomi M, Sun H, Watanabe T, Liu G, Fan J. Enhanced aortic atherosclerosis in transgenic Watanabe heritable hyperlipidemic rabbits expressing lipoprotein lipase. Cardiovasc Res. 65:524-3, 2005
19.   Zhang A, Gao S, Fan J, Huang W, Zhao T, and Liu G.: Increased plasma HDL cholesterol levels and biliary cholesterol excretion in Hamster by LCAT overexpression FEBS Letter 570:25-9,2004.
20.   C J.D. Ross, J Twisk, J. M. Meulenberg, G Liu, K. Van Den Oever, E Moraal, W. Hermens, J Rip, J. J.P. Kastelein, Jan A Kuivenhoven, and M. R. Hayden: Long-term correction of murine lipoprotein lipase deficiency with AAV1-mediated gene transfer of the naturally occurring LPLS447X beneficial mutation. Human Gene Therapy  15:906–919, 2004
21.   Koike T, Liang J, Wang X, Ichikawa T, Shiomi M, Liu G, Sun H, Watanabe T, Yamada N, Fan J.:Overexpression of lipoprotein lipase in transgenic WHHL rabbits improves hyperlipidemia and obesity. J Biol Chem 279:7521, 2004.
22.   Singaraja RR, Bocher V, James ER, Clee SM, Zhang LH, Leavitt BR, Tan B, Brooks-Wilson A, Kwok A, Bissada N, Yang YZ, Liu G, Tafuri SR, Fievet C, Wellington CL, Staels B, Hayden MR. Human ABCA1 BAC transgenic mice show increased high density lipoprotein cholesterol and ApoAI-dependent efflux stimulated by an internal promoter containing liver X receptor response elements in intron 1. J Biol Chem 2001,276(36):33969-79
23.  Kastelein JJ, Jukema JW, Zwinderman AH, Clee S, van Boven AJ, Jansen H, Rabelink TJ, Peters RJ, Lie KI, Liu G, Bruschke AV, Hayden MR. Lipoprotein lipase activity is associated with severity of angina pectoris. REGRESS Study Group. Circulation 2000,102(14):1629-33
24.   G. Liu,K.J.D.Ashborn-Excoffon,J.E. Wilson, B. M. McManus, L. Miao, S.M.E.Lewis  and M.R.Hayden : Phenotypic Correction of feline lipoprotein lipase (LPL) deficiency by adenoviral gene transferHuman Gene Therapy 11:21-33,2000


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