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发布日期:2015-08-27浏览次数:字号:[ ]




 张炜真 博士  教授

Weizhen Zhang, Ph.D., M.D.
Fax:  010-82802183 
1987        广州中山医科大学学士
             B.C., Sun Yat-Sen Medical University, China
1990        北京首都医科大学硕士
             M. Sc, Capital Medical University, China
1994        北京医科大学博士
             Ph. D., Peking Medical University, China
Professional Experience
1994       美国Michigan大学博士后
            Postdoctoral fellow, Michigan University, USA
2000        美国Michigan大学研究员
            Research Investigator, Michigan University, USA
2004        美国Michigan大学研究助理教授
            Research assistant professor, Michigan University, USA
2007        北京大学医学部生理学与病理生理学系教授
            ProfessorPeking university health science center
李 茵   副教授
赵 晶   技师
许戈阳   博士生 06级
安文娇   博士生  07
陈 瑜   八年制博士生 02 级
相新新   硕士生 07 级
丁 力  八年制硕士生 04 级
李自茹   硕士生 08 级
马良肖   八年制硕士生 05 级




Research Description:
1. Regulation of endogeneous biopeptides on nutrition metabolism
2. Regulation of Metabolic-related molecules on stem cell differentiateon and repairment of cardiovascular damages 
3. Effect of small bioactive molecules on cardiovascular functions


Selected Publications (2006-Present):

1.  Z Xu G, Li Y, An W, Li S, Guan Y, Wang N, Tang C, Wang X, Zhu Y, Li X, Mulholland MW, Zhang W*. Gastric mTOR signaling regulates ghrelin production and food intake. Endocrinology 2009;150:3637-44.

2.  Yin X, Li Y, Xu G, An W, Zhang W*. Ghrelin fluctuation, what determines its production? Acta Biochim Biophys Sin. 2009;41:188-97.
3.  Xu G, Li Y, An W, Zhang W*. Ghrelin and cell differentiation. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin. 2008;40:841-7.
4.  Zhang W*, Chai B, Li J, Wang H and Mulholland MW. Effect of des-acyl ghrelin on adiposity and glucose metabolism. Endocrinology 2008;149:4710-6.
5.  Deng F, Ling J, Ma J, Liu C, Zhang W*. Stimulation of intramembranous bone repair by ghrelin. Exp Physiol. 2008;93:872-9.
6.  Zhang W*, Michael W. Mulholland. Neuroplasticity in the dorsal vagal complex. In Andres Costa and Eugenio Villalba, ed.: Horizons in Neuroscience Research. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Hauppauge, NY. 2009.
7.  Zhang W* and Michael W. Mulholland. Calcium signaling in enteric glia of the enteric nervous system. In Andres Costa and Eugenio Villalba, ed.: Horizons in Neuroscience Research. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Hauppauge, NY. 2009.
8.  Jiang C, Zhang H, Zhang W, Kong W, Zhu Y, Zhang H, Xu Q, Li Y*, Wang X*. Homocysteine Promotes Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Migration by Induction of the Adipokine Resistin. AJP-Cell Physiol, 2009 (in press/)
9.  Li Y, Jiang C, Xu G, Wang N, Zhu Y, Tang C, Wang X. Homocysteine upregulates resistin production from adipocytes in vivo and in vitro. Diabetes. 2008;57:817-27.
10. Li Y, Jiang C, Wang X, Zhang Y, Shibahara S, Takahashi K. Adrenomedullin is a novel adipokine: Adrenomedullin in adipocytes and adipose tissues. Peptides. 2007;28:1129-1143.
11. Li Y, Zhang Y, Shibahara S, Takahashi K. Adrenomedullin in adipocyte differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2006;350:616-22.
12. Li Y, Zhang Y, Furuyama K, Yokoyama S, Takeda K, Shibahara S, Takahashi K. Identification of adipocyte differentiation-related regulatory element for adrenomedullin gene repression (ADRE-AR) in 3T3-L1 cells. Peptides. 2006;27:1405-14.
13. Zhang Y, Li Y, Shibahara S, Takahashi K. Synergistic activation of the human adrenomedullin gene promoter by Sp1 and AP-2alpha. Peptides. 2008;29:465-72.
14. Zhang Y, Li Y, Totsune K, Kikuchi K, Murakami O, Shibahara S, Takahashi K. Hypoxia increases endothelin-1 mRNA expression but not immunoreactive endothelin in the medium of T98G glioblastoma cells under cytokine treatment. Peptides. 2006;27:3003-6.
15. Zhang S, Du J, Jin H, Li W, Liang Y, Geng B et al. Endogenous sulfur dioxide aggravates myocardial injury in isolated rat heart with ischemia and reperfusion. Transplantation 2009;87:517-24.
16. Su YW, Liang C, Jin HF, Geng B et al. Hydrogen sulfide regulates cardiac function and structure in adriamycin-induced cardiomyopathy. Circ J 2009;73:741-9. 
17. Fang LP, Li H, Tang CS, Geng B, Qi YF, Liu XM. Hydrogen sulfide attenuates the pathogenesis of pulmonary fibrosis induced by bleomycin in rats. Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 2009;87:531-538.
18. Lou LX, Geng B*, Chen Y, Yu F, Zhao J, Tang CS. Endoplasmic reticulum stress involved in heart and liver injury in iron-loaded rats. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol 2009;36:612-8.
19. Li XH, Du J, Jin H, Geng B, Wang L, Tang C. Endogenous hydrogen sulfide regulates pulmonary artery collagen remodeling in rats with high pulmonary blood flow. Exp Biol Med 2009.
20. Feng X, Chen Y, Zhao J, Tang C, Jiang Z, Geng B*. Hydrogen sulfide from adipose tissue is a novel insulin resistance regulator. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2009;380:153-9.
21. Fang L, Zhao J, Chen Y, Ma T, Tang C, Liu X, Geng B*. Hydrogen sulfide derived from periadventitial adipose tissue is a vasodilator. J Hypertens 2009.
22. Chen YH, Yao WZ, Gao JZ, Geng B, Wang PP, Tang CS. Serum hydrogen sulfide as a novel marker predicting bacterial involvement in patients with community-acquired lower respiratory tract infections. Respirology 2009;14:746-52.
23. Chen YH, Wu R, Geng B, et al. Endogenous hydrogen sulfide reduces airway inflammation and remodeling in a rat model of asthma. Cytokine 2009;45:117-23.

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